EPFO Agartala Office Address, Employees' Provident Fund Organisation Agartala branch office address, EPFO Agartala customer care number, Sub Regional Provident Fund Office address, contact number, telephone number, fax number and website is listed here.

With EPF Agartala Office Contact Details, the people can also get useful information about EPFO Agartala like EPFO Agartala Balance Enquiry Online, EPFO Agartala claim status Online, EPFO Agartala Establishment Code Information, EPFO Agartala Universal Account Number (UAN) information.

People who are looking sub regional branch office address of EPFO Agartala and searching EPFO Agartala branch office location, customer care number, customer support email id, toll free phone number of EPFO Agartala. So, here we are sharing all important contact information of Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) Agartala office address and related information.

Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) Contact Details

If you have any questions, complaints, feedback and suggestions related to Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) services, kindly contact to the customer care phone number of EPF India. In addition, you can also solve your queries by contacting to the corporate head office, your regional and local EPF office during the working hours.

EPFO Agartala Sub Regional Provident Fund Office Address:

·         EPFO Agartala Office Address: PF Office Address Agartala Airport Road, Near Bholagiri Ashram, Gorkha Basti, PO – Kathal Bagan, Agartala – 799 006, Tripura, India
·         EPFO Agartala Office Contact Number: +91-381 2324164 / 2225209
·         EPFO Agartala Office Email ID: sro.agartala@epfindia.gov.in
·         Official Website: epfguwahati.gov.in
Click here to check Your EPF Balance
Click here to Know Your Claim Status
UNIVERSAL ACCOUNT NUMBER (UAN): Toll Free No. 1800-118-005

Establishment Code for EPF Account Number Agartala:

You can check your PF Account Establishment Code by using following options:

Universal Account Number for EPF Account Agartala:

You can check UAN status for EPF Account in Agartala by using following methods:

Agra Establishment Code for EPF Account Number – people who are searching EPF establishment code under Agra office or find how to get establishment code under Agra EPF office. So, as this page we are sharing complete list of Establishment Codes for EPF Account Number, allotted by EPFO Office Agra.
Agra Establishment Code for EPF Account Number
People can also get information regarding what is establishment code in EPF account number, establishment code for UAN Agra, establishment code for UAN Activation Agra, EPF establishment code for Universal Account Number Agra, etc.

Below, we are sharing direct web page link of EPF India. To know information about your PF account establishment code under Agra Office, please check below list or to find another option, click here.

Agartala Establishment Code for EPF Account Number – people who are searching EPF establishment code under Agartala office or find how to get establishment code under Agartala EPF office. So, as this page we are sharing complete list of Establishment Codes for EPF Account Number, allotted by EPFO Office Agartala.
Agartala Establishment Code for EPF Account Number
People can also get information regarding what is establishment code in EPF account number, establishment code for UAN Agartala, establishment code for UAN Activation Agartala, EPF establishment code for Universal Account Number Agartala, etc.
Below, we are sharing direct web page link of EPF India. To know information about your PF account establishment code under Agartala Office, please check below list or to find another option, click here.

What is Establishment Code in EPF Account Number

Establishment Code for EPF account (EPFO) is the seven digit number of your member ID. The people who are looking your establishment code for EPF account, and searching what is establishment code in EPF account number, know your establishment code all over India, How To Identify Establishment Code of A EPF account, How to find the Establishment Code for EPF account, Get EPF Establishment Code online.
How to find the Establishment Code for EPF account

You can find your EPF account Establishment Code online by selecting any of one options listed below: such as Establishments under old Office Code, Establishments under Office, Show all estt. under this PIN Code, etc. Select Below

What is Universal Account Number (UAN) for EPF

Universal Account Number is briefly known Universal Account Number launched by Indian Government Institution "Employees' Provident Fund Organisation". UAN is unique number that launched to help under one roof for the multiple Member Ids allocated to an individual by different establishments. EPF - Universal Account Number (UAN) is also the member ID of PF account holder that link multiple Member Identification Numbers allotted to a single member under single Universal Account Number.  

To Get The UAN Number. These Information is Required:

  • PF number – You can get it from the salary slip. 
  • Date of birth – As with the records of EPF. Sometimes it may differ. 
  • Name- as in the PF records. 
  • Mobile number – you should possess the mobile as PIN would be sent on the given number.
Check UAN Status

How To Check Universal Account Number (UAN)

If you are looking how to get Universal Account Number (UAN) of EPF Online and how to generate UAN number ? So, below you can get information easily.

First: you can visit the official portal http://uanmembers.epfoservices.in
Second: select the option ‘ACTIVATE YOUR UAN’ on member portal or Go To The UAN Status Check Page
What is Universal Account Number (UAN) for EPF

Third: Fill Your Correct PF Details!
  • Choose the state where your office is registered
  • Choose the PF office region
  • Fill Establishment Code
  • PF Account Number and then click check status
What is Universal Account Number (UAN) for EPF
 Fourth: Fill Your Complete Personal Information For Verification
  • Give Personal Details For Verification
What is Universal Account Number (UAN) for EPF

Fifth: Enter Authorization PIN

What is Universal Account Number (UAN) for EPF
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